The Town Center Community Improvement District is the agency responsible for the study. Assisting is a consultant team led by Pond & Company with Croy Engineering, LLC.
Select a question below to find the answer. We will continue to update our FAQ section to provide the most comprehensive information regarding the study. If you cannot find the answer to your question here, submit your question or comment via the form located under the Comments tab.
The purpose of the study is to address short-term and long-term needs along the key corridors in the Town Center area. The study addresses the Barrett Lakes Boulevard Corridor. The study aims to guide the future transportation and economic activities along the corridors by developing an array of alternative improvements along with recommending policies and procedures. The objective of this study is to quantify short-term and long-term transportation needs on Barrett Lakes Bouelvard, and identify and evaluate broad a range of multi-modal improvements. A comparative analysis of the improvements will be completed to rank the proposed projects based on their ease of construction, potential funding partners, and benefits achieved. The final result will lead towards a preferred alternative that can be advanced for implementation. A particular funding source has not been identified. That determination will be made by the Town Center CID after the preferred alternatives have been selected. There will be a number of Public Involvement events held to receive public input. For a full list of upcoming events check the Get Involved Page . The public can also submit feedback online. To provide feedback for the complimentary Big Shanty Road Corridor Study, visit You can view and submit feedback for the Big Shanty Road Corridor Study by visiting . At each public involvement meeting, the opportunity to learn about both corridor studies will be available.What is the purpose of this study?
What is the anticipated result of this study?
How will the improvements be paid for?
When will the public be able to provide input on the study and proposed improvements?
What are the project’s main considerations with regard to bicycle/pedestrian and transit travel?
How can I learn more about the Big Shanty Road Corridor Study?