Study Background
The TCCID developed a master plan in 2017 identifying multiple roadways for corridor studies, including Barrett Lakes Boulevard. The intent of the individual studies is to assist the TCCID in analyzing existing conditions, surrounding growth trends, greenspace and traffic patterns as well as determining next steps for improvements. Together, these improvements intend to create a ‘Complete Streets’ transportation network that accommodates safe and efficient travel of all modes.
The quality of life focus of the Town Center CID can continue to be achieved by planning for and promoting sensitive and sustainable development and redevelopment along this important corridor.
Study Area
Located in Cobb County within the Town Center Community Improvement District, the Barrett Lakes Boulevard Corridor extends from Chastain Road to Ernest W. Barrett Parkway. Notable points of interest within the study area include the Town Center at Cobb, Noonday Creek Trail, and portions of Kennesaw State University. The study corridor intersects Big Shanty Road, which is being examined simultaneously by the Town Center CID as part of a related corridor study.